A week ago I was upset and wrote here about an extremely conservative trans- and intersesphobic decision that the constitutional court in my country of origin made: basically that the only valid identity is one's bilogical sex, and that given the demographic crisis of the country. One of my concerns was this will make it even more unsafe for LGBT+ folx. Another was that it was also going to be used as a playing card in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elecetions.

What do you know. Less than a week later, a bunch of paramilitary neonationalists led by one of the presidential candidates broke into an LGBT+ community centre, trashed everything and beat up some of the people there. At least one of them was armed. And, no, no one has been arrested, although the guy has been identified by the victims.

I say it has begun, but this year this is absolutely not the first time it happens. They've been getting threats forever, and another centre was attacked recently too.

To say that I am angry and upset would be the understatement of the year.