Did a thing, did a thing, did a thing!

that I've been planning to do for 5-6 months now, which is to join a trans gym. Had my first training today and it was so. nice. to do physical things with people like me, with bodies, and stories like mine. To be asked immediately what pronouns and forms of address I use To .not. have to correct people every 5 seconds.

Meanwhile, at the usual training yesterday... After last time I corrected him about 20 times for calling me "she", the instructor has put it into his head that he won't use a. single. pronoun. when referring to me anymore. Not a single one. XD Not he, not they, not any of the Dutch options. Just my name. Which is fine!! You do you, buddy! Way better than "she/her" and I honestly do appreciate the effort. Only, he and I were demonstrating a technique and he literally had to use my name five times in a single sentence XD "So, we begin with Marbear standing in a low stance with Marbear's right leg leading and Marbear's left leg carrying 40% of the weight, while Marbear's plam is facing outward and then Marbear..." You get the picture. If someone didn't know my name before the exercise, now they definitely do 😂