I survived tournament day without passing out from overheating! Also, with no pain or irritation from binding for 16 hours*, and shockingly enough with 0 dysphoria, despite being automatically read as a woman by most people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's a miracle what a well-fitting shirt and suit can do to one's self esteem xD

Also, gender-neutral toilets! They had a gender-neutal toilet! And yes, I realize that's a non-issue for 99% of participants, but it is INSANE how much of my background anxiety that relieved. My cognitive capacity improved tenfold just by not being constantly busy on the background with figuring out whose changing room I'd have to invade, just to pee.

Honestly, normally at events I just don't pee. I drink only the bare minimum of liquids during the day and hold it for like 8+ hours, just to avoid having to go through the discomfort of being in the wrong changing room. Having an actual option was such a game-changer! I could actually hydrate adequately throughout the day!


*I promise I don't make a habit of doing that! It's only like 3 times a year for competitions, and with a special sports binder that is super flexible.