Doing combat sports before FTM transition:
- guys would always, always, explain things to me when I didn't ask for it. Did I know the technique? Doesn't matter. I got an explanation. Did I ask for an explanation? Doesn't matter, got one. I ask to please let me try out the technique first, because this is a drill, and to debrief after it? Nope, dudes waste the entire drill time explaining me how things should be done instead of just letting me do the fucking exercise and figure it out as we're supposed to. And in the end I didn't learn the technique, because I didn't get a chance to try it out.

- if I ever had feedback on a guy's technique, 9/10 times I wouldn't be listened to or would get laughed out.

- if I didn't spar, that was taken as the norm. If I chose to sit out the entire free sparring hour, no one would bat an eye or challenge me.

Doing combat sports during/after transition:
- at the start of the drill guys check quickly, "Do you know what we're doing? Yes? Good, let's go!" and we just do the fucking drill, as we're supposed to!

- If I say "Please give me your feedback after the drill, not during", they do as I ask.

- when I give them feedback on their technique, they actually listen and think along

- when they can't figure a technique out, they would actually ask me for an explanation, too, not only the other cis dudes. And actually pay attention to what I say!

- "Come, bro, we're going to spar!!! RARR!!!"