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Eldritch millennial
Life update
Roses are red,
I'm a bad dancer,
which is all irrelevant,
because I have cancer.
I'm so sorry! This is terrible news.
And...I know I will sound weird because I'm a total stranger. But if you want to talk or just say something, feel free to write on discord etc.
Really big hug.
oh shit, I hope you have loving people around you to support you?
like hormeza offered - if you need someone to talk, feel free to reach out.
I wish you all the strength in the world!
Thank you both *hugs*
I'm really frustrated, because right now the practical suport I am getting... leaves a lot to be desired, to put it mildly. And I'm scared of the upcoming PET scan, because it is a very aggressive cancer and I'm scared where it might have spread to already.
lots of hugs to you
When you have your PET examination? I wil be crossing my fingers for the results.
Thank you!
I don't have a date for the PET scan yet. Tuesday I'll have an MRI, so that they can see the lesions better. It's inflammatory breast cancer, so it's all kind of everywhere :/
So far the staging is cT4N2 but we don't know if there are metastases elsewhere or the HER2 status :(
You better nip it in the bud! We cannot afford to loose members here!
De behandelingen worden elke jaar beter, daar kun je vertrouwen in hebben (je wilt het niet moeten, maar toch). We duimen voor je.
How are you doing? I hope your MRI gave you some closure on what to do next?
@bert @irikanjisyndrome thank you!
@manxx Hey, thank you for check in on me! I just had my PET scan a few hours ago, so next week perhaps I'll know what's really in store. The MRI came back today but it just confirmed what we already know - it's inflammatory breast cancer, it totally wasn't there 6 months ago, it is affecting the entire breast and lymph nodes. :/